Alcohol Awareness Articles

Knowledge is Power – Educate Yourself

These articles can help you learn more about alcohol abuse and alcohol treatment. If you suffer from alcohol abuse or know someone who does, educate yourself. These articles can you you discover how you can help yourself or a loved one overcome this addiction.

I Got Arrested for a DUI in Colorado, Now What?

A DUI arrest in Colorado triggers two actions against you: a civil action and a criminal action. The civil action is more urgent, especially if you took a breath test or refused testing.

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Exploring the Role of Field Sobriety Tests in Assessing Driver Impairment

Although Field Sobriety Test accuracy has been questioned at times, these tests can offer valuable insights, especially considering the limitations of blood and breath tests

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Tips to Get Your Online DUI Class Accepted by the State DMV

Learn about the tips and tricks to get your online DUI class accepted at the state DMV. Understand the state requirements for online DUI classes and how to choose a class that meets those requirements.

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Alternatives to Drinking – Enroll in an Online DUI Class

When it comes to drinking, do you have a problem? You may need to enroll in an online DUI class or choose one of these alternatives to drinking.

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Learn How to Stop Drinking – Enroll in an Online Alcohol Class

Do you want to learn how to stop drinking alcohol? You may benefit from enrolling in an online alcohol class.

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Foods that Contain Alcohol

If you are trying to avoid alcohol, then learn about foods that contain alcohol. You may need to enroll in an alcohol education program.

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Avoiding Alcohol around the Holidays – Get an Alcohol Education

Are you worried that you won't be able to avoid alcohol during the holidays? If so, we can help!

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How Alcohol Changes Your Attitude – Take a DUI Class

Are you currently aware of how alcohol can change your attitude? Drinking too much can lead to bad decisions. Enroll in a DUI class today!

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Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks – Join an Alcohol Education Program

It's becoming quite popular to mix alcohol with energy drinks. Enrolling in an alcohol education program can assist you in learning the various dangers.

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Alcohol Abuse and Depression – Enroll in Online Education Classes

Online Alchol classes can help you meet court and personal needs. Alcohol abuse can lead to depression — seek professional assistance.

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How to Attend and AA Meeting – Substance Abuse

If you currently suffer from alcohol or substance abuse, then you could benefit from going to an AA meeting. We'll help you get started.

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How Does Alcohol Affect Your Eyes? Online Resource

Are you aware of how alcohol can damage your eyes? You could benefit from enrolling in an online alcohol class. Start today!

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The Dangers of Drinking Alone – Enroll in an Alcohol Education Program

Do you often find yourself drinking alone? Are you aware of the dangers of drinking alone? You may need to enroll in an alcohol education program.

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The Dangers of Blackouts – Get an Alcohol Education

If you drink so much alcohol that you blackout, you likely have a problem. Enroll in an alcohol awareness course today.

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Dealing with Alcohol Abuse in Your Family – Online Resource

Our resource on dealing with alcohol abuse in your family can help you address family members who may be suffering from an alcohol problem.

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Drunk Driving – The Dangers and Consequences

Educate yourself on the dangers of drinking and driving so that you can make informed decisions.

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Classes to Help Avoid and Prevent DUIs

Driving under the influence is a serious crime. it’s important to be aware of the facts regarding drinking and driving.

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Detailing Underage Drinking

Drinking is no longer a problem just for adults, but for minors and those under the age of 21, as well.

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Are You at Risk for Becoming an Alcoholic?

You can determine if you are at risk of becoming an alcoholic by your social and personal life patterns.

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Tips to Help Control Alcohol Abuse

Know the signs of alcohol abuse so you can determine if you are in danger of developing a drinking problem.

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Public Intoxication – The Ins and Outs

Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol in public or exhibiting drunkenness in public can lead to a public intoxication citation.

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Superbowl Drinking

Super Bowl Sunday is rapidly approaching, and nothing has been more associated with this event than alcohol and greasy food.

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12 Health Risks Associated with Heavy Drinking

If you happen to be a heavy drinker, there are several health risks you could potentially face. It’s important to be aware of these dangerous risks.

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How Alcohol Can Harm Your Body

Depending on how often you drink alcohol and how much you consume in one sitting, beer and liquor can have short and long term effects on your body.

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Majority of Alcohol-related ER Visits due to Beer

Consuming too much alcohol, whether beer or liquor, can cause various health risks, including death. It’s important to know the dangers of booze.

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Most Common Holidays to Drink

There are various holidays that are often considered to be common times to consume alcohol. We’ve put together a list of these frequent holidays.

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What Really Happens During Alcohol Poisoning

By consuming a large amount of alcohol, you stand the chance of experiencing alcohol poisoning. Over indulging in alcohol can lead to many risks.

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Facts about Wine

If you consume wine, there are facts you may find to be interesting. Remember that wine is still alcohol and should be consumed responsibly.

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What Alcohol does to the Stomach

Alcohol can harm the body in different ways. Specifically, beer and liquor can have a negative effect on your stomach, sometimes lasting long term.

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The Consequences of Underage Drinking

Underage drinking isn’t only illegal, but it can also cause a range of consequences. It’s important to become familiar with these consequences.

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Tips to Prevent Underage Drinking

Are you or do you know a minor who is at risk for underage drinking? Underage drinking is illegal. Use these tips to help avoid the crime.

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How Fattening is Alcohol?

Have you ever wondered how many calories you’re actually consuming when you drink alcohol? Alcohol can be causing you to gain weight.

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Alcohol Can Impair Your Judgment?

Are you currently aware of how alcohol can impair your judgment? You may benefit from enrolling in a drug and alcohol class.

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Dangers of Drinking While Pregnant

If you’re pregnant and still consuming alcohol, you stand the high chance of harming your unborn child. It’s important to take an alcohol awareness class.

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Facts about Alcohol Blackouts

Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you blacked out? If you’ve had several episodes where you can’t remember a night of drinking, you may have a problem.

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How Alcohol Affects Your Skin

Have you ever considered how alcohol affects your skin? Read this alcohol awareness article to learn more.

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How Alcohol Impairs You

It’s important to receive an education on how alcohol affects the body. Learn how consuming alcohol impairs you.

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Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

When you drink, do you tend to overindulge? You may want to learn the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, as well as enroll in an alcohol education program.

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Consequence of Giving Alcohol to a Minor

Are you aware of the consequences of giving alcohol to minors? Learn more by enrolling in an alcohol education program.

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The Consequences of Public Intoxication

Have you ever been drunk in public? The consequences for public intoxication are quite severe. Learn more about alcohol addiction.

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Dangers of Alcohol and Date Rape Drugs

Are you familiar with the dangers of alcohol and date rape drugs? You can take an online alcohol class to learn about alcohol awareness.

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The Dangers of Drinking in the Heat

Are you aware of the dangers that can result when you drink alcohol in the heat? If not, take an online alcohol awareness class.

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