The Dangers of Blackouts

Consuming large amounts of alcohol is toxic and can be dangerous. It puts you at risk for blacking out. If you've ever blacked out from drinking too much, you may have a drinking problem and need help. If you or someone you know is abusing alcohol, you need to consider getting professional help, counseling, or online alcohol education but it's important that you seek help today. Here are some facts about blacking out from too much alcohol:

Learning the Facts

It's possible that you've experienced an inebriated blackout without actually knowing it. A blackout is induced by consuming too much alcohol. An amnesia state takes place and a person can forget some or all of the events that took place during the period of intoxication. This is different from just passing out due to too much drinking because during a blackout, a person is conscious and usually engaging in various activities. They are unaware of what they are doing and may have little to no memory of this time and sequence of events. This is why it is so dangerous for a person to experience such blackouts. Blacking out can put you at risk of:

  • Driving Drunk
  • Humiliating Yourself
  • Having Unwanted or Unprotected Sex
  • Sexual Assault
  • Getting Robbed, Mugged, or Beaten Up
  • Alcohol Poisoning

Preventing Blackouts

Here are some ways to avoid blacking out when consuming alcohol:

  • Drink your beverage slowly
  • Stick to either beer, wine, or mixed drinks — avoid doing shots
  • Make sure you drink non-alcoholic drinks throughout the night, too
  • Eat before you start drinking and continue to eat throughout the night
  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you consume alcohol
  • Don’t drink alcohol if you're sick or sleep deprived
  • Don’t mix alcohol with other drugs

If you blackout regularly, then you may have a serious problem with alcohol that needs your attention. Seek assistance immediately.

Be Responsible

If you're of legal age and drink responsibly, then there's nothing wrong with consuming alcohol. However, if you drink to the point where you put yourself and others at risk, then the drinking is harmful and you need to seek help. Get educated on alcohol abuse and addiction and make sure to behave responsibly.