More Celebrities in Need of 16 Hour Drug Alcohol Class

by: Mike Miller

I could blog all day about the substance abuse issues of reality stars. It might be funny but there is a large segment of our youth that watch and worship these pimples on the bottom of society. This is the eighth in a series of blogs exposing celebrity drug use.

Alexis Neiers – Since I do not watch too much reality television I was unfamiliar with Alexis, a star on the show Pretty Wild. She lived up to the name as she was busted for black tar heroin and provided police with a fake Florida driver’s license. Here’s to wishing she never had her 15 minutes.

Willie Nelson – From a no-name reality star to one of the biggest musicians on the planet. It came as no surprise to many that Nelson was busted when his tour bus was searched at the border and police found 6 ounces of marijuana. In his mug shot Nelson looks almost comatose.

Randy and Evi Quaid – Who could forget the wild antics of the husband & wife duo. On a rampage of drugs the paranoid couple claimed that Armageddon was near. Too many drugs made both act so crazy they should have been locked up. They both claim that many of Hollywood’s young actors are being murdered including Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger. I would like to remember Quaid for his role as Chevy Chase’s brother in-law from the Vacation movies than his mug shot here.

Neiers probably will never be on TV again unless it is for doing something stupid. The Quaids need serious medical attention. Only Nelson has weathered the storm. Did a 16 hour alcohol drug class help him? I hope the Quaids and Neiers get a drug class and counseling and hopefully can return to productive lives.