No Sign More Powerful for Need to Take an Online Alcohol Course

by: Mike Miller

There are many signs someone has a problem with alcohol. If you are to the point where you drink and drive regularly, believing you are okay to drive – you have a problem.

If you drive even once with kids in your car while drunk – you have a problem. As reported in

I you think you are doing a good job of hiding your alcohol addiction from your family and kids, think again. Here is a story that shows the father is in dire need of an alcohol class and an intervention.

A 10-year-old boy is recovering at his mother's home from cuts and bruises suffered in a car accident after he called 911 and threatened to jump from the vehicle because his father was driving under the influence.

The father, 49-year-old Owen Gilman of Warwick, R.I., was charged with driving under the influence and assault with a motor vehicle.

My hope is that Gilman sees the evil of his ways. I hope he seeks out a complete alcohol educational program and decides to lead a clean and sober life. If you know someone like Gilman, please encourage them to seek help.