Drug and Alcohol Class Teach You Not to Mix Drugs and Booze

by: Mike Miller

Mixing alcohol and medicines is something pharmacies across the country preach. A doctor will not prescribe medication without severe warnings not to mix it with alcohol. The same needs to be true about other recreational drugs.

People taking medications should always read the product warning labels to determine whether it would require abstinence from alcoholic drinks. Quite often they do not. As reported in tribune.com.ng.

You would have probably seen on some medicines a warning to avoid alcohol. Many medications can interact with alcohol, leading to increased risk of illness, injury, or death. It is estimated that alcohol-medication interactions may be a factor in at least 25 per cent of all emergency room admissions.

Alcohol combined with medication also can cause internal bleeding, heart problems, and difficulties in breathing. In addition to these dangers, alcohol can make a medication less effective or even useless, or it may make the medication harmful or toxic to the body.

Here are a few medications that should not be mixed with alcohol.

Antibiotics are used to treat infectious diseases. In combination with alcohol, some antibiotics may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and possibly convulsions.


Medications like Viagra, which produce vasodilatation, should be taken cautiously, if at all, with alcohol because the summating effects of these medications then can produce a dangerously low blood pressure with a dizzy spell or a blackout.

I encourage you to not only listen to your doctor’s advice but take both an online alcohol and drug class to learn more about the way alcohol affectas the body when combined with prescription medication.