Alcohol Awareness Class Could Keep You Safe for the Holidays

by: Mike Miller

The holiday season is well known for many things. Many are associated with family, joy and happiness. It also is a time where people are more apt to drink and drive and receive driving under the influence (DUI) violations.

Many Americans associate drinking and driving with New Year’s Eve. But throughout the cold-weather months, from holiday season office parties through snowmobiling season in January and February, to St. Patrick’s Day in March, there are ample opportunities for even cautious drivers to let their guard down when it comes drinking and driving. As reported in

Many people mistakenly believe that a DUI is a traffic violation. The reality is a DUI is a criminal offense that carries heavy consequences, including jail time. Usually between fines, alcohol classes and increased insurance premiums, a first-offense DUI will cost thousands of dollars.

If you regularly drink and drive– the odds of being pulled over for a DUI are just a matter of when. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), about two-thirds of DUIs involve a first-time offender. First-time offenders have typically driven drunk about 87 times before being caught.

Do yourself and your family a favor this holiday season, if you decide to drink alcohol, take a taxi or use a designated driver. Or better yet, make this holiday season a sober one.