Keeping Michigan Youth Away From Booze

by: Mike Miller
10/11/2019 is proud to present it's Minor In Possession class or MIP Class.

While the vast majority of those who sign up for's Michigan MIP class are court-ordered to do so, it is quite often a proactive parent or teacher, who are vital in getting a teenager to take our course.

Teens are using alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs in record numbers now. Marijuana use is rampant, so it is cleat that the anti-alcohol and anti-drug message is not getting across.

However, if you dive one level deeper, looking at youth under the age of 10, you realize that there is a very strong anti-alcohol and anti-drug message. As a counselor for both in-class and online alcohol classes, I am a regular speaker at schools around the country. At a recent speech for third graders, I knew the message was coming through loud and clear when every student said that alcohol was bad for them and they were never going to drink. This bought be great joy.

The message is out there, but somewhere between middle school and high school, it gets lost and ignored. Why do you think that is? Your input is important to us.

If you would like more information on any of our classes, please contact us by clicking the link below.