Mel Gibson and Nicole Richie Might Need DUI School

by: Mike Miller

There seems to be no end to the list of celebrities that have been involved in an alcohol-related incident. As a counselor for both in-class and online alcohol classes the subject of celebrity DUI is often discussed with my students. This is the 17th in a series of blogs on celebrities’ issues with alcohol.

Mel Gibson – In a virtual career-threatening instance, Gibson was busted for Dui and caught on tape in an anti-Semitic tirade. His vile personal views on file for the world to see, he did try to lie his way out of it. The incident occurred in Malibu, California and his career really has never been the same. But a picture says a thousand words. Nice mug shot buddy – I like the cowlick.

Nicole Richie – The daughter of Lionel Richie and friend of Paris Hilton, this reality star whose 15 minutes expired long ago was arrested for driving under the influence. She was so hammered she was driving the wrong way on the interstate. For her efforts she received 96 hours of jail time, but served only 82 minutes! Celebrity has its privileges.

One superstar who never again will be able to overcome the incident in question, and one reality star that hopefully will just manage to stay out of the limelight in the future.