Utah Minor in Possession Laws

Online Alcohol Class offers the most comprehensive online Minor in Possession instruction available in Utah. We offer Level 1 (8 hour), Level 2 (16 hour), and Level 3 (24 hour) web-based Minor in Possession and Minor in Consumption Courses.

Often students and parents call our offices to inquire about the MIP laws in Utah. As a courtesy, we've compiled the laws from every U.S. state and listed them below.

Please note that the Utah MIP laws shown below are meant to help help you to learn about your local Utah laws. While we have tried to show the most up-to-date version of Utah minor in possession laws, but we do not guarantee its accuracy. This page is not a replacement for legal advice from an attorney. It is in your best interest that you find an appropriate attorney for more information about Utah minor in possession laws.

Minor in Possession Classes

Class Price
6 Hour MIP Class $124 Register Now
8 Hour (Level 1) MIP Class $149 Register Now
12 Hour MIP Class $199 Register Now
16 Hour (Level 2) MIP Class $249 Register Now
24 Hour (Level 3) MIP Class $319 Register Now

Utah Minor In Possession Laws

Utah Underage Possession of Alcohol

Possession is prohibited with NO EXCEPTIONS.

Utah Underage Consumption of Alcohol

Consumption is prohibited with NO EXCEPTIONS.

Utah Internal Possession by Minors

Internal possession is prohibited with NO EXCEPTIONS.

Utah Underage Purchase of Alcohol

Purchase is prohibited, but youth MAY PURCHASE for law enforcement purposes.

Furnishing Alcohol to Minors in Utah

Furnishing is prohibited with NO EXCEPTIONS.

Minimum Ages for On-Premises Servers and Bartenders in Utah

Beer: 21 for both servers and bartenders

Wine: 21 for both servers and bartenders

Spirits: 21 for both servers and bartenders

Utah Minimum Ages for Off-Premises Sellers of Alcoholic Beverages in Utah

Beer: 21

Wine: 21

Spirits: 21

Notes: Although employees must be at least 21 years of age to sell "liquor" at off- sale establishments in Utah, persons persons between 16 and 21 years of age may sell "beer" (defined as containing not more than 4% ABV or 3.2% ABW) on the premises of a beer retailer for off- premise consumption if under the supervision of a person 21 years of age or older who is on the premises.

False Identification for Obtaining Alcohol in Utah

Provision(s) targeting minors:

  • Use of a false ID to obtain alcohol is a criminal offense
  • Penalty may include driver's license suspension through a judicial procedure

Provision(s) targeting suppliers:

  • It is a criminal offense to lend, transfer, or sell a false ID

Provision(s) targeting retailers:

  • State provides incentives to retailers who use electronic scanners that read birthdate and other information digitally encoded on valid identification cards
  • Licenses for drivers under age 21 are easily distinguishable from those for drivers age 21 and older
  • Retailers are permitted to seize apparently false IDs
  • Specific affirmative defense - the retailer inspected the false ID and came to a reasonable conclusion based on its appearance that it was valid
  • Retailer has the statutory right to sue a minor who uses a false ID to purchase alcohol for any losses or fines suffered by the retailer as a result of the illegal sale
  • Retailer has the authority to detain a minor suspected of using a false ID in connection with the purchase of alcohol

Notes: Utah law requires dining club and social club licensees to electronically verify the proof of age of individuals who appear to be 35 years of age or younger. Utah Code Ann. §§ 32A-1-304.5, 32A-5-101.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits and Underage Operators of Noncommercial Motor Vehicles in Utah

BAC limit: 0.00 - any detectable alcohol in the blood is per se (conclusive) evidence of a violation.

Applies to drivers under age 21.

Utah Retail Sales: Keg Registration

Keg definition: Keg sales prohibited

Purchaser information collected:

Deposit required: $

Provisions do not specifically address disposable kegs

Notes: Keg sales prohibited: Beer may not be sold, provided, or possessed for off- premise consumption in containers larger than two liters.

Utah Underage Driving Privileges: Use/Lose

Type(s) of violation leading to driver's license suspension, revocation, or denial:

  • Underage purchase
  • Underage possession
  • Underage consumption

Use/lose penalties apply to minors under age 21

Authority to impose driver's license sanction

  • Mandatory

Length of suspension/revocation: 365 days

Prohibitions Against Hosting Underage Drinking Parties in Utah

Social host law is specifically limited to underage drinking parties.

Action by underage guest that triggers violation:

Property type(s) covered by liability law:

  • Residence
  • Outdoor
  • Other

Standard for hosts' knowledge or action regarding the party: KNOWLEDGE - host must have actual knowledge of the occurrence

Notes: In Utah, an individual may not knowingly conduct, aid, or allow an "underage drinking gathering." An “underage drinking gathering” means a gathering of two or more individuals: (a) at which an individual knowingly serves, aids in the service of, or allows the service of an alcoholic beverage to an underage person; and (b) to which an emergency response provider is required to respond, except for a response related solely to providing medical care at the location of the gathering. The definition does not otherwise specify a Property Type or an Action by Underage Guest.

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