Alcohol Awareness Class Stops Graduate from Dumb Decision

by: Mike Miller

It is not every day that I receive a message from a former student. The former student (“Judy”) in question was a 19-year-old soon to be a sophomore at a major university.

This student had been in my class after getting a minor in possession (MIP) violation. She was a good kid who had become involved in the wrong group of friends during the summer she graduated from high school. She was spending the summers drinking beer and wine coolies on the beach when a police officer spotted them and issued them all violations.

Parent Involvement Important       

There is no doubt parent involvement in their children’s lives plays a crucial role in their development and success. Judy’s parents prompted her to sign up for our online alcohol class the night she came home and broke the news about her violation. She was in tears and sobbing.

When she got to court she was the only one of her friends who had proactively taken an online alcohol awareness class and this action impressed the judge so much he dismissed her charges!

In her email to me, Judy explained that she was with a group of college friends who were drinking. She chose to drink Diet Coke because she didn’t want to get another ticket. Lady Luck smiled on her decision as all 10 of her friends received MIP violations and she stayed on the right path of the law. She credits her online alcohol class for saving her from another embarrassing and painful violation!